How To Create Your Space To Practice Yoga At-Home

Find your flow in the comfort of your own home

All you need is a laptop, yoga mat, and some room to move

Creating an at-home yoga practice can take time to adjust. The key is to ease into what your space needs to support you. This doesn’t mean you need to buy anything. Yet, consider factors like where your laptop sits or how you can move the furniture in the room. The best part of creating an at-home practice is you get to make it work for you.

When I first started practicing yoga at home, I felt a deep sense of liberation in being in my own space. I also loved the flexibility it brought to my schedule. Yet, I had to adjust my space and how I felt in it as a way to support me in my practice. I've now been practicing at home for a while and had plenty of time to discover what works for me. Once you discover how to adjust your space, your at-home practice becomes a smooth transition from your workday into a relaxing class.

Below are simple ways to turn your living space into your own personal yoga studio.


Make your space sacred

To make your space sacred, start by connecting with yoga’s ancient roots. This can be as simple as making your space clean and free of clutter. It can also mean bringing rocks, crystals, or other spiritual symbols to surround you in the space while you practice. If practicing in the evening or early morning, light candles, dim the lights and burn incense.

Before class ritual:

Before I guide or take a class, I always clean my surroundings and light sage or palo santo. While I cleanse my space with the smoke, I offer a prayer or intention for my practice. This ritual helps bring my consciousness into the present. While also making my space feel energetically prepared to move and meditate. Find what supports you and your space.


Rearrange furniture

Most of us don’t have a spare room in our house dedicated to our at-home yoga practice. Instead, we have to make our space work for us. Start by making sure you have plenty of room to move on or off your mat. You also want to create optimal visibility to see the laptop or screen you are using to take a class.

When I shoot a yoga class for Coincide Yoga, my husband and I have to re-arrange our whole living room. We've learned a process that makes it easy but the setup changes the whole room into my own yoga studio.  I should create a behind-the-scenes video. 

Of course, moving furniture around doesn’t have to be this drastic or involved. It might be as simple as moving a table where you can place your laptop or pushing the couch to the side.

Again, it can take some trial and error before your room can fully support your practice.

Remove distractions

One of the best parts about practicing in a yoga studio is the ability to leave all distractions at the door. This includes your phone, your pets, your kids, your roommate, and anything else that might take away from your practice. Distractions can never be fully removed while practicing from home. Yet, there are small things that can help in keeping you present and focused.

Start by setting your phone in a different room. You don’t want to feel tempted to check a text or answer the phone while practicing. That’s not allowed at a yoga studio so why should it okay in your sacred living room?

The people and pets in our home are also big distractors. Aim to put pets in another room (if possible). Tell your partner or roommates how long your class will be as a way to help you watch them. Children are of course huge distractors. Depending on your child's age, consider bringing them into practice with you. This can be engaging and rewarding for both you and them. Also, plan your at-home practice around their nap times or school times.

Remember, your practice doesn’t have to be a long one. If you only have 20 minutes to get a flow in before your kiddo wakes up—that’s great!

Start a routine: 

Practicing at home allows you to create your own schedule that holds you accountable. Watch this video I made offering 3 helpful tips for starting an at-home yoga routine:

1. Decide on a time that fits your schedule and set an alarm. ⁣

2. Work with your energy level and when your body wants to move.⁣

3. Listen to what your body needs. ⁣

Adjust as you need weekly to accommodate what works for you. Inside the Coince Yoga Library, I’ve created mini-courses to start a consistent yoga routine. They are designed to be taken for 6-7 days in a row or spread out as your schedule allows.

To start cultivating your Conscious yoga practice at home, sign up for the Coincide Yoga Membership. Inside, get access to 40+ yoga videos + courses to support your at-home yoga journey. New members can try the 14-day free trial.

Start taking at-home yoga classes through the Coincide Yoga Membership!

Yoga set by: Indigo Luna