My Top 7 Grounding & Centering Tools Right Now: Spring 21'

2021 has already been a huge roller coaster for me. It's been both deeply painful and beautiful all at once. Starting with the loss of my brother and entering into a long grief journey. While also living in the joy that is being pregnant.

It's been a fascinating dichotomy that I've had to grasp in caring for myself. I've had to stay steadfast and dedicated to holding onto tools and practices that keep me centered.

During mental health awareness month, I wanted to share my list of what I’m currently turning to for comfort, nourishment, self-care, and grounding.



The Song Of Achilles by Madeline Miller

This book is part historical fiction, part mythology, by mostly its a romance. I first read Madeline’s book Circe and was so in love I had to read The Song Of Achilles. The story is pure, raw, and a beautiful look into a forbidden romance between two men.

Ancient Map For Modern Birth by Pam England, CNM, MA

This book has become my pregnancy bible. It looks at the childbearing year as a powerful journey into becoming a warrior. It explores both modern science, pregnancy health, along with a more holistic approach to caring for the body and mind. I will forever recommend it to pregnant mamas-to-be.

Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage Of Grief by David Kessler

I will forever recommend this book to anyone going through grief. As a grief expert, David gently and gracefully walks the reader through the many complexities of grief. He offers honest and approachable advice and real-life stories to help in healing. I’ve found so much comfort in his words to help in my own grief journey.


Bump Dust Prenatal Protein Powder:

As someone who doesn’t eat meat (except for the occasional fish), I’ve needed to up my protein intake while pregnant. This powder is made with all organic ingredients to support and nourish the body during pregnancy and beyond. I also love the added supportive plants like fenugreek seeds, red raspberry, and cinnamon bark.

Sherpa Chai Latte:

Early on in my pregnancy, I stopped drinking coffee and replaced it with this amazing chai. Its made with organic and mindfully sourced ingredients like hand-pressed Peruvian ginger and cool rocky mountain water.


Peppermint Oil For Headaches

I’ve never been someone to get headaches but I’ve been having them on and off during pregnancy. Instead of taking painkillers, I’ve been giving my temples love with peppermint oil. Simply add a couple of drops to where the pain is and give a gentle massage. Its been very helpful for me.

Neti Pot

The practice of using a neti pot is an ancient Ayurvedic technique for cleansing the nasal passages. With the goal being to flush out any unwanted bacteria, congestion, allergens, or anything else that may disrupt the immune system. I’ve been aiming to use it every day as a way to support the changing seasons and my body’s natural defense to fight off infections.


Insight Timer App

I’m not sure what I would do without this app. It’s filled with every kind of meditation you could ever need. I’ve used it for grief, pregnancy, and to help maintain my daily meditation practice.

Trevor Hall’s album “In And Through The Body”

I’ve been a big fan of Trevor for a long time (his songs appear often in my yoga classes). However, his most recent album has been on repeat for months now. His words are deeply moving and empowering while his music uplifts—I just love it!


Prenatal Yoga

Becoming a prenatal yoga teacher has been a dream of mine for a long time. Before finding out I was pregnant, I signed up to become certified through the online platform: Ma Yoga. It’s been amazing to be pregnant while taking the course. When I’m not in class I’ve been taking the Ma Yoga prenatal classes to support my body.

Guided yoga

In the times I’ve needed to reconnet back to myself I admitingly take my own classes inside the Coincide Yoga portal. I created a class specifically for working through grief that I’ve taken often to help sooth my emotions.


People Of Leisure

I’m in love with everything from this brand. I’ve been wearing their organic cotton and hemp jumsuits and bike shorts nearly everyday. They create liveable and fashionable clothing for everyday wear.

Imbodhi Jumpsuit

These sustainable yoga jumpsuits are the perfect comfort essential that also feels sophisticated. I love being able to wear it while I work and then hop into a yoga class later in the day.


Tempeh Lettuce Cups

Not only are is this meal packed with protein and nourishing veggies but it’s refreshing for spring and summer. I could truly make these every night for dinner and be satisfied. Its so yummy!

Lentil Meatballs

These veggie meatballs are a staple in our house. We love to make a big batch and eat them with pastas and on-top of salads. It helps a lot to have a food processor with this recipe along with plenty of time set aside to make them—the end result is worth the process though!


No matter what shifts are happening in your life, remember to turn to what gives your soul nourishment. In every new chapter of life, we find new tools and ways of caring for ourselves. Enjoy the process of finding what brings grounding and centering throughout every stage.

Feel free to share whats keeping you feeling grounded and centered in the comments below!

Jumpsuit: Whimsey & Row