7-Days Of Dance Yoga Course

Intro Video



Recommended props

Yoga mat, water bottle, journal & pen (for after class journal prompts in workbook)


Day 1: Root Chakra

Color: Red
Location: Base of the spine
Rules : The legs, feet, the adrenal glands, and the elimination system
Element: Earth
Sanskrit name: Muladhara
Responsible for: Feeling grounded, stability, security, and feeling supported

In this grounding 40-minute class we will be unblocking our root chakra. We will work with a mudra specifically for centering our bodies.

This energy center gives us the power to survive, lighting up our natural instinct to make decisions, and listen to our intuition. There are so many benefits that can come from stabilizing our root chakra. For one, our root chakra aids us in finding stability. When we experience instability, especially associated with life circumstances out of our control—it is a good time to turn inward and nurture our root chakra.

Just like the roots of a tree, our root chakra represents our physical body. It controls our adrenal glands, colon, kidneys, and all the way into the tissues. Essentially, our root chakra connects our physical body to our energetic body. For those who work with Ayurveda, our root chakra can be highly beneficial to help stabilize Vata personality types.


Day 2: Sacral Chakra

Color:​ Orange
Location: ​Below the belly button
Rules​: Our reproductive organs
Element:​ Water
Sanskrit name:​ Svadhistana
Responsible for:​ Fluidity, creativity, sensuality, pleasure

In this 35-minute class we will be unblocking the energy of our sacral chakra. We will work with a mudra specifically for finding harmony in our bodies to connect with the divine feminine of fluidity and life transitions.

This energy center gives us the freedom to create, lighting up our natural instinct to seek that which brings us pleasure. Our sacral chakra is home to our inner dwelling place where we store our emotions. When we experience a lack of creativity, stagnation, and even low libido it is a good time to turn inward and nurture our sacral chakra.


Day 3: Solar PLexus

Color:​ Yellow
Location: ​Base of the ribcage
Rules​: Digestion, pancreas
Element:​ Fire
Sanskrit name:​ Manipura
Responsible for:​ Divine will, conscious action, confidence, determination

In this energetic 29-minute class we will be unblocking the energy of our solar plexus. We will work with a commitment mudra for focusing on how we can use our internal, guiding yellow light to lead us towards our goals. We will be picking up the pace in this class to cultivate alignment within our body and our life purpose.

This powerful energy center is a compass for how we move through life and shine our light. There are so many benefits that can come from balancing our solar plexus. For one, our solar plexus aids in healthy digestion. When we experience indigestion, especially associated with our self-worth (i.e. work stress). Our solar plexus may be out of balance.


Day 4: Heart Chakra

Color:​ Green
Location: ​Heart center
Rules​: Heart, lungs, respiratory system
Element:​ Air
Sanskrit name:​ Anahata
Responsible for:​ Empathy, love, self compassion

In this heart lead 20-minute class, we will be exploring softness and strength; letting our hearts lead us through energized movement. We will be working with an inner guidance mudra for centering our focus on self-compassion and trusting our own inner knowledge.

This energy center guides our natural ability to be empathetic and compassionate. When unblocking our heart chakra we are truly allowing for more love and forgiveness to flow through us. When we experience loneliness or resentment, our heart chakra may be blocked. Today more than ever, we are called as humans to find softness in how we show up with love and offer it to the world around us.


Day 5: Throat Chakra

Color:​ Sky blue
Location: ​Throat
Rules​: Throat, endocrine system, neck
Element:​ Space
Sanskrit name:​ Vishuddha
Responsible for:​ Expansion, communication, freedom of speech

In this throat opening 30-minute flow, we will be turning our attention to balancing and opening our neck and throat—cultivating awareness within our spoken words. Through expressive movement and breath, we will be working with a mudra for freedom.

This purifying energy center gives us the power to express ourselves vocally, lighting up our natural voice to shine through. Our throat chakra aids in speaking our truth. When we experience feelings of fear, loss for words, especially when in social situations—it is a good time to turn inward and nurture our throat chakra.


Day 6: Third eye Chakra

Color:​ Indigo
Location: ​Between the brows
Rules​: Sight, vision, senses, nervous system
Element:​ Space
Sanskrit name:​ Ajna
Responsible for:​ Intuition, clarity, inner wisdom

In this 28-minute third eye opening flow, we will be moving through postures that open ourselves up. Expanding our awareness and allowing for more focus to shine through. We will work with a mudra specifically for connecting to our higher knowledge.

This awakening energy center gives us the power to see outside of our ego, connecting us to our divine intuition, and universal knowledge. In balancing our third eye chakra, we are balancing the right and left side of the brain, creating a deeper sense of clarity with our truth. When we experience a lack of faith in ourselves, a lack of concentration, or even a constant feeling of uncertainty—it is a good time to turn inward and nurture our third eye.


Day 7: Crown Chakra

Color:​ Violet
Location: ​Crown of the head
Rules​: All systems of the body
Element:​ Space
Sanskrit name:​ Sahasrara
Responsible for:​ Allowing for freedom in connecting to our highest self, unity between our consciousness and our ego.

In our final class of exploring the subtle body, we will be unblocking the crown chakra. Our crown is what takes us from our physical body into our infinite connection with the divine. In this flow, we will start out slow, working with a liberation mudra. Then pick up the pace honoring our innate consciousness and bliss, of letting go.

This energy center gives us the lightness we need to find freedom in our pursuits. Uniting our body with our highest potential. Living on this earth, with so many rules, we create a reality that may not be sustainable for our Dharma—our life purpose. The crown chakra reminds us that when we surrender, boundless possibilities can unfold before us.

Thank you for joining me for these 7 days of diving deep! I would love to hear how you feel now, which energy centers feel most opened, and any other thoughts or feedback you would like to share.