29-Minute Unblocking Our Light Through The Solar Plexus

Color: Yellow
Location: Base of the ribcage
Rules: Digestion, pancreas
Element: Fire
Sanskrit name: Manipura
Responsible for: Divine will, conscious action, confidence, determination

In this energetic 29-minute class we will be unblocking the energy of our solar plexus. We will work with a commitment mudra for focusing on how we can use our internal, guiding yellow light to lead us towards our goals. We will be picking up the pace in this class to cultivate alignment within our body and our life purpose.

This powerful energy center is a compass for how we move through life and shine our light. There are so many benefits that can come from balancing our solar plexus. For one, our solar plexus aids in healthy digestion. When we experience indigestion, especially associated with our self-worth (i.e. work stress). Our solar plexus may be out of balance.

To dive deeper into the chakras take this class as part of the 7 DAYS OF MEETING THE PHYSICAL BODY WITH THE SUBTLE BODY program.

New Yoga Program - Balancing the Subtle Body.jpg

recommended props

Yoga Mat, Water Bottle

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